Greetings, nutrition enthusiasts !
Today, we are going to announce the speakers who will give you nutritional expertise and knowledge in our exclusive the 3rd International Seminar On Nutrition!
We have these profesionals and international speakers who will provide you an advanced knowledge on our main topic, “The Triple Burden of Malnutrition” :
1. Dr Elvina Karyadi, Senior Health Specialist at the world bank. She is a medical doctor and She manages Nutrition International’s collaborations in country and promotes micronutrient programming with the Government of Indonesia. One of her achievements was Supported the Government of Indonesia, and particularly local district governments, in providing vitamin A capsules to children under-five across the country.
2. Ir. Ahmad Syafiq, M. Sc, PhD, the head of PKGK FKM UI. He is an expert on maternal and child health, epidemiology, cancer epidemiology and policy analysis at Department of Public Health Nutrition, University of Indonesia. He Holds Master of Science in Community Nutrition and has experiences in conducting community surveys including anthropometric and food consumption studies. Also have published 39 publication that taking nutrition as the main theme which one of the paper titled “Nutrition Program Innovation for Urban Setting.”
3. Sugeng Eko Irianto, MPS, PhD (NPO NUTRITION – WHO Indonesia) He is a food safety expert of WHO Indonesia who has many experiences in Food Standarization, National Food Safety Training and Global Forum. He active as a lecturer in STI Kesehatan Mitra Lampung, Book Editor, and Food & Nutrition Researcher. His newest article in 2018 is about “The effect of additional egg supplementation on vitamin and mineral fortification program on growth, cognitive development and hemoglobin in Indonesian underweight and stunting”.
*more speakers to be revealed
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*Further information: deviqirani98 (line)
📞 0812-3631-7651
Ervinemargo (line)
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